Пентагон: день открытых дверей для аспирантов

Пентагон: день открытых дверей для аспирантов

Сегодня с моей помощью Министерство обороны США (DOD) объявляет День открытых дверей (ДОД) для аспирантов-технарей, чья диссертация прямо или косвенно имеет отношение к беспилотным летательным объектам (БПЛА).

Пентагон: день открытых дверей для аспирантов

Я “глыбоко” убеждён в том, что любую техническую диссертацию можно притянуть (иногда не совсем даже за уши) к тематике этих “летучих гадов”. Повторяю – любую! Даже из области сельскохозяйственных наук. Кто вам мешает использовать (пусть теоретически) БПЛА для зоотехнической оценки эффективности использования сеяных кормовых угодий в табунном коневодстве Якутии? Никто!

И если у кого-то проблемы с актуальностью “кирпича”, то при некоторой изворотливости (с помощью научного руководителя) всегда(!) можно по полной оттоптаться на этой “тучной ниве”. Поскольку “беспилотные транспортные средства” охватывают широчайшую научно-техническую область: от аэродинамики, химии, механики, оптики, электротехники, электроники, телекоммуникаций, систем безопасности, навигации, радиолокации, обработки сигналов до чёрт-те чего ещё. Причём в нынешних условиях полномасштабной холодной войны с Западом ни один нормальный член диссертационного совета даже пол-слова не скажет против подобной тематики, а будет обеими руками “за”.

В своё время я написал материал Вскрываем закрома Минобороны США: руководство для аспирантов:

Так, вот, господа аспиранты обоего пола, особенно 1-го курса!
Вашему вниманию предлагается написанное мной “в часы долгих
раздумий о судьбах Родины” некое руководство по формированию
информационного “фундамента” для своих диссертаций на основе
ресурсов Минобороны США. Раз наше любимое государство нам
не помогает, “сопрём” чего-нибудь у супостата!

Про беспилотники я тоже немало “накарякал”: ссылка 1, ссылка 2, ссылка 3, ссылка 4 – на любой вкус.

С тех пор немало интернет-воды утекло. Какие-то детали устарели, но принцип и подход остались прежними: “стырить” что-нибудь полезное для себя у американского агрессора – сам Бог велел!

Поэтому, господа аспиранты, вашему вниманию предлагается обновлённая информация об UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicles). Сведения были выдернуты с сайта DTIC 21.04.2015. В результате поиска по ключевому слову “UAV” в названиях pdf-документов было найдено более 480 публикаций разного рода. После прореживания, а именно, после выкидывания “дублей”, всяческих финансовых отчётов и прочей лабуды, осталось 332 pdf-файла. Названия (упорядоченные по алфавиту) и ссылки сведены в таблицу.

Всё это чтиво я, естественно, не просматривал, но несколько раз натыкался на материалы, после которых жалел, что давным-давно забросил заниматься этой самой наукой. Ну, а вам и карты в руки!

Кстати, написав в начале про “кормовые угодья” ради хохмы и красного словца, тут же, не отходя от кассы наткнулся среди этих файлов на материал некоего Джеймса Тиндалла (James A. Tindall) под названием Обратная свёртка типов растений для обеспечения внутренней безопасности с использованием дистанционного зондирования на платформе из нескольких БПЛА (“Deconvolution of Plant Type(s) for Homeland Security Enforcement Using Remote Sensing on a UAV Collection Platform”). Даже беглый взгляд на эти материалы подтверждает, что аспиранты из самых разных технических областей смогут обязательно найти в них что-нибудь полезное для своего диссера.

Понятно, что в открытом доступе звёзднополосатые супостаты выкладывают далеко не всё. Тем более, что при поиске в БД DTIC они идентифицируют ip-адрес и страну, из которой сделан запрос. Так, что я не исключаю, что так ведётся статистика российских пользователей, и, может быть, корректируются неким образом результаты поиска. Ну, и ладно, с паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок!

Внимание – нюансик! Уж не знаю по какой причине, но среди этого pdf-обилия я наткнулся на следующий факт: содержание публикации не соответствовало названию. Бегло проглядывая список, я увидел  Advanced UAV Technologies and New Inventions for Revolutionary Weapon Systems Developed at TU Delft (или Передовые технологии БПЛА и новые изобретения для революционных систем вооружения, разработанные в TU Delft).

Опа, думаю, ага! TU Delft – Делфтский университет технологии (Голландия), в котором я работал с 1997 по 2004 годы. Интересненько, чего это они там наизобретали без меня? 😉 Быстро открываю файл, и увы – вижу презентацию некоего профессора из Канзасского (не Казанского!) университета США, Рона Баррета (Ron Barrett): Adaptive Imaging and Guided Fuse Technologies (Адаптивное формирование изображений и управляемые объединённые технологии). Вот такой прокол. Но, просмотрев эту презентацию, скажу, что потраченного времени было не жаль из-за картинок (некоторые из них в презентации почему-то 😉 не отображаются) наподобие следующей.

Пентагон: день открытых дверей для аспирантов

На этом – всё! Берите в руки свой английский, включайте мозги и просматривайте список. Уверен, что-нибудь полезное, да найдёте для своей диссертации!

Для тех, кто любит покопаться в информации “Без шума и пыли!” предлагаю скачать все 332 файла в одном флаконе (ссылка на rar-архив, 780,6 Мб), или порциями по 100 файлов (001-100 (263,4 Мб), 101-200 (271,6 Мб), 201-300 (193,9 Мб), 301-332 (52,4 Мб)).


Таблица. Публикации в pdf-формате на тему БПЛА

1 3D Experience UAV project pdf
2 A Challenge for Micro and Mini UAV: The Sensor Problem pdf
3 A Comparative Study of All-Accelerometer Strapdowns for UAV INS pdf
4 A Fuel Cell Propulsion System for a for a Mini-UAV pdf
5 A Generic, Agent-Based Framework for Design and Development of UAV/UCAV Control Systems pdf
6 A Genetic Algorithm for UAV Routing Integrated with a Parallel Swarm Simulation pdf
7 A High Resolution, Light-Weight, Synthetic Aperture Radar for UAV Application pdf
8 A Hybrid Jump Search and Tabu Search Metaheuristic for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Routing Problem pdf
9 A Java Based Human Computer Interface For a UAV Decision Support Tool Using Conformal Mapping pdf
10 A Moderate Course for USAF UAV Development pdf
11 A Modular, Reconfigurable Surveillance UAV Architecture pdf
12 A Multi-Purpose Simulation Environment for UAV Research pdf
13 A Processing of OFDM Signals from UAV on Digital Antenna Array of Base Station in Conditions of Jammers pdf
14 A Prototype UAV Control Station Interface for Automated Aerial Refueling pdf
15 A Shadow Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Improved Performance Research Integration Tool (IMPRINT) Model Supporting Future pdf
16 A Simple Control Law for UAV Formation Flying pdf
17 A Stepped Frequency CW SAR for Lightweight UAV Operation pdf
18 A Synthetic Teammate for UAV Applications: A Prospective Look pdf
19 A UAV-Friendly Strategy for Moving Targets Processing Using SAR pdf
20 A Unified Cooperative Control Architecture for UAV Missions pdf
21 AFIT UAV Swarm Mission Planning and Simulation System pdf
22 ANSER Technologies – UAV Applications pdf
23 Achieving an Optimal Medium Altitude UAV Force Balance in Support of COIN Operations pdf
24 Adaptive Levels of Autonomy (ALOA) for UAV Supervisory Control pdf
25 Advanced UAV Technologies and New Inventions for Revolutionary Weapon Systems Developed at TU Delft pdf
26 Advances in UAV Data Links: Analysis of Requirement Evolution and Implications on Future Equipment pdf
27 Agent-Based Simulation and Analysis of a Defensive UAV Swarm Against an Enemy UAV Swarm pdf
28 Air Force UAV’s: The Secret History pdf
29 Allocation of UAV Search Efforts Using Dynamic Programming and Bayesian Updating pdf
30 An Augmented Virtuality Display for Improving UAV Usability pdf
31 An Automated UAV Mission System pdf
32 Analysis of Nondeterministic Search Patterns for Minimization of UAV Counter-Targeting pdf
33 Analytical Models for Mobile Sensor (UAV) Coverage of a Region pdf
34 Anti-UAV Defense Requirements for Ground Forces and Hypervelocity Rocket Lethality Models pdf
35 Applications for Mini VTOL UAV for Law Enforcement pdf
36 Applications of Rapid Prototyping to the Design and Testing of UAV Flight Control Systems pdf
37 Architecting Human Operator Trust in Automation to Improve System Effectiveness in Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) pdf
38 Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Requirements and the Joint UAV Program pdf
39 Aspects of Use of CFD for UAV Configuration Design pdf
40 Assessing the Flight Quality of a Large UAV for Sensors/Ground Robots Aerial Delivery pdf
41 Assessing the Impact of Auditory Peripheral Displays for UAV Operators pdf
42 Assessing the Impact of Haptic Peripheral Displays for UAV Operators pdf
43 Assessment and Classification of Cognitive Decrements Associated with High Workload and Extended Work Periods in a UAV pdf
44 Automated Launch, Landing and Refueling Technologies for Increased UGV-UAV Effectiveness pdf
45 Automation Architecture for Single Operator, Multiple UAV Command and Control pdf
46 Automation Architecture for Single Operator-Multiple UAV Command and Control pdf
47 Autonomous Landing System for a UAV pdf
48 Autonomous Navigation & Collision Avoidance System For The Nearchos UAV pdf
49 Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Airspace Operations Sensing Requirements. Volume 1 – Performance pdf
50 B-HUNTER UAV. Program update, recent flight experience and progress in ATM Euro UVS UAV 2002 Conference pdf
51 Beyond the Classical Performance Limitations Controlling Uncertain MIMO Systems: UAV Applications pdf
52 Beyond the Classical Performance Limitations Controlling Uncertain MIMO Systems: UAV Applications. 1st Session pdf
53 Beyond the Classical Performance Limitations Controlling Uncertain MIMO Systems: UAV Applications. 2nd Session pdf
54 Business Case Analysis of Medium Altitude Global ISR Communications (MAGIC) UAV System pdf
55 CAUSE Multi-UAV Simulation Demonstration pdf
56 Canadian Aerial Targeting Program Canadian Army UAV Experience pdf
57 Characterization of UAV Performance and Development of a Formation Flight Controller for Multiple Small UAVS pdf
58 Characterization of a Rotary Flat Tail as a Spoiler and Parametric Analysis of Improving Directional Stability in a Portable pdf
59 Civil UAV Applications in Japan and Related Safety & Certification pdf
60 Closing the Gap Between Research and Field Applications for Multi-UAV Cooperative Missions pdf
61 Collaborative UAV Exploration of Hostile Environments pdf
62 Collection Tasking of the Corps Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short Range (UAV-SR) pdf
63 Comparing Organic vs. Assigned UAV Support to the Maneuver Company pdf
64 Comparing Organic vs. Handoff UAV Support to the Maneuver Company pdf
65 Complexity in UAV Cooperative Control pdf
66 Computational and Physical Aspects of UAV Vortical Flows pdf
67 Control Architecture Design and Demonstration for Cooperative UAV’s pdf
68 Controlling Sideslip Angle to Reduce the Radar Exposure of a Tactical, Rotary Winged UAV pdf
69 Cooperative Control for UAV’s Searching Risky Environments For Targets pdf
70 Cooperative Search by UAV Teams: A Model Predictive Approach Using Dynamic Graphs pdf
71 Coordination and Control for Multi-Quadrotor UAV Missions pdf
72 Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS) pdf
73 Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS)-Year 2 (extended) pdf
74 Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS)-Year 2 pdf
75 Crew Systems Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Future Job and Tasking Environments pdf
76 Curse-of-Dimensionality-Free Computing, Information-Savvy Controllers and UAV Operations pdf
77 Cycloidal Propulsion for UAV VTOL Applications pdf
78 DarkStar – High Altitude Endurance UAV. Presented at Unmanned Vehicles 97 Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, pdf
79 Data & Image Fusion for Multisensor UAV Payload pdf
80 Decision Factors for Cooperative Multiple Warhead UAV Target Classification and Attack with Control Applications pdf
81 Deconvolution of Plant Type(s) for Homeland Security Enforcement Using Remote Sensing on a UAV Collection Platform pdf
82 Demonstration of Linked UAV Observations and Atmospheric Model Predictions in Chem/Bio Attack Response pdf
83 Derivation of River Bathymetry Using Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) pdf
84 Design and Construction of a Composite Airframe for UAV Research pdf
85 Design and Fabrication of an Ultra-Low-Cost Turboprop for RPV/UAV applications pdf
86 Design and Testing of a Combustor for a Turbo-Ramjet Engine for UAV and Missile Applications pdf
87 Design and Testing of a Morphing Wing for an Experimental UAV pdf
88 Determining a Cost-Effective Mix of UAV-USV-Manned Platforms to Achieve a Desired Level of Surveillance in a Congested pdf
89 Developing Human-Machine Interfaces to Support Monitoring of UAV Automation pdf
90 Development and Operation of UAVs for Military and Civil Applications (Developpement et utilisation des avions sans pilote pdf
91 Development and Testing of a Network-Centric, Multi-UAV Command and Control Scheme Using a Variable Autonomy Control pdf
92 Development and Testing of a VTOL UAV pdf
93 Development and Tests of an Automatic Decking System Demonstrator of VTOL UAV on Naval Platform pdf
94 Development and Validation of a Controlled Virtual Environment for Guidance, Navigation and Control of Quadrotor UAV pdf
95 Development and Verification of an Aerodynamic Model for the NPS Frog UAV Using the CMARC Panel Code Software Suite pdf
96 Development of Integrated 3D Terrain Maps for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight and Mission Control Support System pdf
97 Development of a 1/7-Scale F/A-18 UAV for Supermaneuverability Research pdf
98 Development of a 1/7th Scale Fighter UAV for Flight Research pdf
99 Development of a Dynamic Model for a UAV pdf
100 Development of a Human Performance Model of a UAV Sensor Operator: Lessons Learned pdf
101 Development of a Low-Latency, High Data Rate, Differential GPS Relative Positioning System for UAV Formation Flight pdf
102 Development of a Novel, Two-Processor Architecture for a Small UAV Autopilot System, pdf
103 Development of a Receiver Processor For UAV Video Signal Acquisition and Tracking Using Digital Phased Array Antenna pdf
104 Development of a Small Phased Array SAR-MTI System for Tactical UAV pdf
105 Development of a UAV Track Injection and Imagery Presentation System pdf
106 Development of an Experimental Platform for Testing Autonomous UAV Guidance and Control Algorithms pdf
107 Distributed Beamforming in a Swarm UAV Network pdf
108 DoD Joint Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Program Master Plan – 1988 pdf
109 Dragon Drone UAV System pdf
110 Dynamic System Identification and Modeling of a Rotary Wing UAV for Stability and Control Analysis pdf
111 Dynamic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Routing with a Java-Encoded Reactive Tabu Search Metaheuristic pdf
112 Ecological Interface Design For Complex Systems: An Example: SEAD UAV Systems pdf
113 Effective Task Assignment and Motion Planning for Complex UAV Operations pdf
114 Effects of UAV Supervisory Control on F-18 Formation Flight Performance in a Simulator Environment pdf
115 Electrically Driven General Systems for UAV’s pdf
116 Embedded Reconfigurable Processing for UAV Applications pdf
117 Energy Capture Module (ECM) for Use in Unmanned Mobile Vehicles (UMVs) With a Specific Study of the Draganflyer X6 UAV pdf
118 Enhancing Coordination and Collaboration in Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Crews pdf
119 Enhancing Readiness of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System via Use of Simulation Modeling and Contract Incentives pdf
120 Error Analysis of Sensor Measurements in a Small UAV pdf
121 Establishment of Models and Data Tracking for Small UAV Reliability pdf
122 Evaluation of Synthetic Vision Overlay Concepts for UAV Sensor Operations: Landmark Cues and Picture-in-Picture pdf
123 Evaluation of the CMARC Panel Code Software Suite for the Development of a UAV Aerodynamic Model pdf
124 Evolving Cooperative Control on Sparsely Distributed Tasks for UAV Teams Without Global Communication pdf
125 Evolving Self-Organized Behavior for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous UAV or UCAV Swarms pdf
126 Expansion of Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS) pdf
127 Experiment and Field Demonstration of a 802.11-based Ground-UAV Mobile Ad-Hoc Network pdf
128 Exploitation of Self Organization in UAV Swarms for Optimization in Combat Environments pdf
129 Fuel Cell Power Systems for Extended Duration UAV and UGV Systems pdf
130 Falco UAV Low Reynolds Airfoil Design and Testing at Galileo Avionica pdf
131 Feasibility Study for an Autonomous UAV – Magnetometer System pdf
132 Feasibility of the Tactical UAV as a Combat Identification Tool pdf
133 Fighter Pilot Inventory and Requirements Model. A Ten Year Look with Impact of UAV increase pdf
134 Fleet Protection Using a Small UAV Based IR Sensor pdf
135 Flexible UAV Mission Management Using Emerging Technologies pdf
136 Flight Control Law Design and HIL Simulation of a UAV pdf
137 Force Protection via UGV-UAV Collaboration: Development of Control Law for Vision Based Target Tracking on SUAV pdf
138 French Interim MALE UAV Program pdf
139 French MALE UAV Program pdf
140 Frequency and Polarization Diversity Simulations for Urban UAV Communication and Data Links pdf
141 Fuel Cell Stack Testing and Durability in Support of Ion Tiger UAV pdf
142 Fuzzy Logic Based UAV Allocation and Coordination pdf
143 Generic UAV Modeling to Obtain Its Aerodynamic and Control Derivatives pdf
144 Geo-textile UAV Runway Construction Guide pdf
145 Get-in-the-Zone (GITZ) Transition Display Format for Changing Camera Views in Multi-UAV Operations pdf
146 Global Versus Reactive Navigation for Joint UAV-UGV Missions in a Cluttered Environment pdf
147 HERMES 180 UAV Development Program pdf
148 High Fidelity Methods and Physics for UAV Flow Regimes pdf
149 Human-Automation Collaborative RRT for UAV Mission Path Planning pdf
150 Human/System Interface (HSI) Issues from a USAF Pilot/Combat Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Test Operator Perspective pdf
151 Image Processing for Tactical UAV pdf
152 Impact of Icing on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operations pdf
153 Impact of Prior Flight Experience on Learning Predator UAV Operator Skills pdf
154 Implementation of High Level Architecture into the MultiUAV Research Software pdf
155 Improvement of the Performance of a Turbo-Ramjet Engine for UAV and Missile Applications pdf
156 Improving UAV Handling Qualities Using Time Delay Compensation pdf
157 Incorporating Scene Mosaics as Visual Indexes Into UAV Video Imagery Databases pdf
158 Incorporation of a Differential Positioning System (DGPS) in the control of An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Precise pdf
159 Increased UAV Task Assignment Performance Through Parallelized Genetic Algorithms (Preprint) pdf
160 Infrared Data Link using a Multiple Quantum Well Modulating Retro-reflector on a Small Rotary-Wing UAV pdf
161 Innovative Development. Global Hawk and Darkstar. Volume 1: HAE UAV ACTD Program Description and Comparative Analysis pdf
162 Innovative Development. Global Hawk and Darkstar. Volume 2: Flight Test in the HAE UAV ACTD Program pdf
163 Innovative Development. Global Hawk and Darkstar. Volume 3: Transitions Within and Out of the HAE UAV ACTD Program pdf
164 Integrated Reconfigurable Aperture, Digital Beam Forming, and Software GPS Receiver for UAV Navigation pdf
165 Integration of Control Algorithms for Quadrotor UAV’s Using an Indoor Sensor Environment pdf
166 Integration of a Multi-Rate Position Filter in the Navigation System of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Precise pdf
167 Interceptor Concepts for the US UAV BPI Program, pdf
168 Joint Doctrine and UAV Employment pdf
169 Light UAV Support Ship (ASW) (LUSSA) pdf
170 Logistic Support For Common Used UAV’S. Example: Drone CL-289 pdf
171 Low-Cost Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) for Oceanographic Research pdf
172 Manpower Requirements Determination for New Systems: Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) pdf
173 Medusa’s Mirror: Stepping Forward to Look Back ”Future UAV Design Implications from the 21st Century Battlefield” pdf
174 Metrics, Schmetrics! How The Heck Do You Determine A UAV’s Autonomy Anyway pdf
175 Micro UAV Path Planning for Reconnaissance in Wind (Preprint) pdf
176 Micro-Air Vehicle (MAV) – Demonstrated Backpackable Autonomous VTOL UAV Providing Hover and Stare RSTA to the Small pdf
177 Military Officer Attitudes Toward UAV Adoption Exploring Institutional Impediments to Innovation pdf
178 Mini UAV’s: Can Active Flow Control Do It All? pdf
179 Model Design for a Battlegroup Intranet Using a UAV pdf
180 Modeling Piezoceramic Twist Actuation in Single-Cell Anisotropic Torque Box of Low-Observable UAV Wing pdf
181 Modelling Team Adversarial Actions in UAV Operations pdf
182 Multi-Beam Digital Antenna for Radar, Communications, and UAV Tracking Based on Off-the-Shelf Wireless Technologies pdf
183 Multi-Objective UAV Mission Planning Using Evolutionary Computation pdf
184 Multi-Objective and Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) of UAV Systems using Hierarchical Asynchronous Parallel pdf
185 Multi-Target Tracking for Swarm vs. Swarm UAV Systems pdf
186 Multi-UAV Collaborative Sensor Management for UAV Team Survivability pdf
187 Multi-UAV Supervisory Control Interface Technology (MUSCIT) pdf
188 Multifunctional Poro-Vascular Composites for UAV Performance Enhancement pdf
189 Multiple UAV Task Allocation for an Electronic Warfare Mission Comparing Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing pdf
190 NRL’s Finder UAV: A Counterproliferation Asset pdf
191 Naval UAV Programs: Sea Based UAV’s pdf
192 Network Payload Integration for the Scan-Eagle UAV pdf
193 OT&E Perspectives on Acquisition, Test, and Early Fielding of UAV Systems 1998-2008 pdf
194 Open & Evolutive UAV Architecture pdf
195 Open & Interoperable UAV System Architecture pdf
196 Operational Assimilation into UUV and UAV Observations pdf
197 Operational Requirements Document for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Tactical Control System (TCS) version 3.0 pdf
198 Optimal UAV Path Planning for Tracking a Moving Ground Vehicle with a Gimbaled Camera pdf
199 Optimal UAV Task Assignment and Scheduling (Preprint) pdf
200 Optimization of Heterogeneous UAV Communications Using the Multiobjective Quadratic Assignment Problem pdf
201 Optimum Cooperative UAV Sensing Based on Cramer-Rao Bound pdf
202 Output Feedback Tracking Control of an Underactuated Quad-Rotor UAV pdf
203 Past UAV Program Failures and Implications for Current UAV Programs pdf
204 Path Calculation and Packet Translation for UAV Surveillance in Support of Wireless Sensor Networks pdf
205 Path Elongation for UAV Task Assignment pdf
206 Path Generation Tactics for a UAV Following a Moving Target pdf
207 Perception-based Co-evolutionary Reinforcement Learning for UAV Sensor Allocation pdf
208 Performance and Flowfield Measurements on a 10-inch Ducted Rotor VTOL UAV pdf
209 Pilot Dependence on Imperfect Diagnostic Automation in Simulated UAV Flights: An Attentional Visual Scanning Analysis pdf
210 Piloting the USAF’s UAV Fleet Pilots, Non-Rated Officers, Enlisted, or Contractors pdf
211 Position-Adaptive UAV Radar for Urban Environments pdf
212 Predator B: The Multi-Role UAV pdf
213 Predictive Control for a Tail-Sitter UAV. Part 2 pdf
214 Preliminary Review of Psychophysiological Technologies to Support Multimodal UAV Interface Design pdf
215 Prestimulus Alpha as a Precursor to Errors in a UAV Target Orientation Detection Task pdf
216 Project Stork UAV/UGV Collaborative Initiative pdf
217 RAVEN-2: Around-The-World UAV Project pdf
218 Real-Time Wind Estimation and Display for Chem/Bio Attack Response using UAV Data pdf
219 Reconnaissance System UAV CL 289 Status and Programme Upgrade pdf
220 Report on UAV Technologies and Combat Operations. Volume 1. Summary pdf
221 Report on the AFOSR Workshop on UAV Testbeds and Simulations pdf
222 Requirements Driven UAV Development pdf
223 Research and Demonstration of Video Streaming on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Networks pdf
224 Results from Real Time Simulation Experiment of an Integrated Concept for UAV/Direct Fire Weapon Systems pdf
225 Review of UAV Procurement Activities in NATO pdf
226 Robots in the Sky-The Legal Effects and Impacts of UAV on the Operational Commander pdf
227 Roving UAV IED Interdiction System pdf
228 SMI UAV Conference, London, UK (9-10 Feb 2004) pdf
229 Ship-Based UAV Measurements of Air-Sea Interaction in Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes in the Equatorial pdf
230 Shipboard Organic UAV Operations pdf
231 Short Range Reconnaissance: The LUNA Experimental UAV Program pdf
232 Short Range Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for UAV/UAS Battery Charging – Phase 1 pdf
233 Sigma-Point Kalman Filter Based Sensor Integration Estimation and System Identification for Enhanced UAV Situational pdf
234 Simulation Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) pdf
235 Simulation Assessment of Synthetic Vision Concepts for UAV Operations pdf
236 Simulations of Diversity Techniques for Urban UAV Data Links pdf
237 Socio-Technical Systems Models of the Decision Chain in UAV Operations pdf
238 Sperwer After S/A TC. Military Aviation Requirements: An Approach to Address the New RNLA UAV Domain pdf
239 Structural Design Aspects and Criteria for Military UAV pdf
240 Supporting Flight Control for UAV-Assisted Wilderness Search and Rescue Through Human Centered Interface Design pdf
241 Swarm Intelligence for Autonomous UAV Control pdf
242 System Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Marine Environmental Sensing pdf
243 Tactical UAV’s in the French Army pdf
244 Targets, Ranges and UAVs: An Operational Test Perspective pdf
245 Testing Adaptive Levels of Automation (ALOA) for UAV Supervisory Control pdf
246 The Application of Cognitive Radio to Coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Missions pdf
247 The B-Hunter UAV System pdf
248 The Certification of Lighter-Than-Air UAV Systems pdf
249 The Certification of the SPERWER-RNLA UAV System pdf
250 The Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Annual Report FY 1996 pdf
251 The Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Annual Report FY 1997 pdf
252 The Development and Initial Validation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) External Pilot Selection System pdf
253 The Development and Operational Challenges of UAV and UCAV Airbreathing Propulsion pdf
254 The Effects of Commercial Video Game Playing: A Comparison of Skills and Abilities for the Predator UAV pdf
255 The Flight Control System of the Hovereye (Trademark) VTOL UAV pdf
256 The HAE UAV and Dynamic Retasking by Tactical Commanders pdf
257 The Need for a USAF UAV Center of Excellence pdf
258 The Quality of Quantity: Mini-UAVS As An Alternative UAV Acquisition Strategy at the Army Brigade Level pdf
259 The RMAX Helicopter UAV pdf
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265 The UAV: A Strategic Asset in the Transformed Reserve Component pdf
266 The Use of Simulation to De-risk Maritime UAV Operations pdf
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275 UAV Annual Report, FY 1997 pdf
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298 UAV Swarm Mission Planning Development Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Parallel Simulation – Part II pdf
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307 USAFA Discovery: Jul-Sep 2000. Research Activity in Support of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) at the Aeronautics Research pdf
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310 Unique Stealth Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Houck Aircraft Design Program. Volume 2: Prototype Report pdf
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324 Vehicle Tracking in UAV-Captured Video Data Incorporating Adaptive Weighting of Features pdf
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