Пентагон: день открытых дверей для аспирантов

Сегодня с моей помощью Министерство обороны США (DOD) объявляет День открытых дверей (ДОД) для аспирантов-технарей, чья диссертация прямо или косвенно имеет отношение к беспилотным летательным объектам (БПЛА).
Я “глыбоко” убеждён в том, что любую техническую диссертацию можно притянуть (иногда не совсем даже за уши) к тематике этих “летучих гадов”. Повторяю – любую! Даже из области сельскохозяйственных наук. Кто вам мешает использовать (пусть теоретически) БПЛА для “зоотехнической оценки эффективности использования сеяных кормовых угодий в табунном коневодстве Якутии”? Никто!
И если у кого-то проблемы с актуальностью “кирпича”, то при некоторой изворотливости (с помощью научного руководителя) всегда(!) можно по полной оттоптаться на этой “тучной ниве”. Поскольку “беспилотные транспортные средства” охватывают широчайшую научно-техническую область: от аэродинамики, химии, механики, оптики, электротехники, электроники, телекоммуникаций, систем безопасности, навигации, радиолокации, обработки сигналов до чёрт-те чего ещё. Причём в нынешних условиях полномасштабной холодной войны с Западом ни один нормальный член диссертационного совета даже пол-слова не скажет против подобной тематики, а будет обеими руками “за”.
В своё время я написал материал “Вскрываем закрома Минобороны США: руководство для аспирантов”:
Так, вот, господа аспиранты обоего пола, особенно 1-го курса!
Вашему вниманию предлагается написанное мной “в часы долгих
раздумий о судьбах Родины” некое руководство по формированию
информационного “фундамента” для своих диссертаций на основе
ресурсов Минобороны США. Раз наше любимое государство нам
не помогает, “сопрём” чего-нибудь у супостата!
Про беспилотники я тоже немало “накарякал”: ссылка 1, ссылка 2, ссылка 3, ссылка 4 – на любой вкус.
С тех пор немало интернет-воды утекло. Какие-то детали устарели, но принцип и подход остались прежними: “стырить” что-нибудь полезное для себя у американского агрессора – сам Бог велел!
Поэтому, господа аспиранты, вашему вниманию предлагается обновлённая информация об UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicles). Сведения были выдернуты с сайта DTIC 21.04.2015. В результате поиска по ключевому слову “UAV” в названиях pdf-документов было найдено более 480 публикаций разного рода. После прореживания, а именно, после выкидывания “дублей”, всяческих финансовых отчётов и прочей лабуды, осталось 332 pdf-файла. Названия (упорядоченные по алфавиту) и ссылки сведены в таблицу.
Всё это чтиво я, естественно, не просматривал, но несколько раз натыкался на материалы, после которых жалел, что давным-давно забросил заниматься этой самой наукой. Ну, а вам и карты в руки!
Кстати, написав в начале про “кормовые угодья” ради хохмы и красного словца, тут же, не отходя от кассы наткнулся среди этих файлов на материал некоего Джеймса Тиндалла (James A. Tindall) под названием “Обратная свёртка типов растений для обеспечения внутренней безопасности с использованием дистанционного зондирования на платформе из нескольких БПЛА” (“Deconvolution of Plant Type(s) for Homeland Security Enforcement Using Remote Sensing on a UAV Collection Platform”). Даже беглый взгляд на эти материалы подтверждает, что аспиранты из самых разных технических областей смогут обязательно найти в них что-нибудь полезное для своего диссера.
Понятно, что в открытом доступе звёзднополосатые супостаты выкладывают далеко не всё. Тем более, что при поиске в БД DTIC они идентифицируют ip-адрес и страну, из которой сделан запрос. Так, что я не исключаю, что так ведётся статистика российских пользователей, и, может быть, корректируются неким образом результаты поиска. Ну, и ладно, с паршивой овцы хоть шерсти клок!
Внимание – нюансик! Уж не знаю по какой причине, но среди этого pdf-обилия я наткнулся на следующий факт: содержание публикации не соответствовало названию. Бегло проглядывая список, я увидел “Advanced UAV Technologies and New Inventions for Revolutionary Weapon Systems Developed at TU Delft” (или “Передовые технологии БПЛА и новые изобретения для революционных систем вооружения, разработанные в TU Delft”).
Опа, думаю, ага! TU Delft – Делфтский университет технологии (Голландия), в котором я работал с 1997 по 2004 годы. Интересненько, чего это они там наизобретали без меня? 😉 Быстро открываю файл, и увы – вижу презентацию некоего профессора из Канзасского (не Казанского!) университета США, Рона Баррета (Ron Barrett): “Adaptive Imaging and Guided Fuse Technologies” (“Адаптивное формирование изображений и управляемые объединённые технологии”). Вот такой прокол. Но, просмотрев эту презентацию, скажу, что потраченного времени было не жаль из-за картинок (некоторые из них в презентации почему-то 😉 не отображаются) наподобие следующей.
На этом – всё! Берите в руки свой английский, включайте мозги и просматривайте список. Уверен, что-нибудь полезное, да найдёте для своей диссертации!
Для тех, кто любит покопаться в информации “Без шума и пыли!” предлагаю скачать все 332 файла в одном флаконе (ссылка на rar-архив, 780,6 Мб), или порциями по 100 файлов (“001-100” (263,4 Мб), “101-200” (271,6 Мб), “201-300” (193,9 Мб), “301-332” (52,4 Мб)).
Таблица. Публикации в pdf-формате на тему БПЛА
1 | 3D Experience UAV project | |
2 | A Challenge for Micro and Mini UAV: The Sensor Problem | |
3 | A Comparative Study of All-Accelerometer Strapdowns for UAV INS | |
4 | A Fuel Cell Propulsion System for a for a Mini-UAV | |
5 | A Generic, Agent-Based Framework for Design and Development of UAV/UCAV Control Systems | |
6 | A Genetic Algorithm for UAV Routing Integrated with a Parallel Swarm Simulation | |
7 | A High Resolution, Light-Weight, Synthetic Aperture Radar for UAV Application | |
8 | A Hybrid Jump Search and Tabu Search Metaheuristic for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Routing Problem | |
9 | A Java Based Human Computer Interface For a UAV Decision Support Tool Using Conformal Mapping | |
10 | A Moderate Course for USAF UAV Development | |
11 | A Modular, Reconfigurable Surveillance UAV Architecture | |
12 | A Multi-Purpose Simulation Environment for UAV Research | |
13 | A Processing of OFDM Signals from UAV on Digital Antenna Array of Base Station in Conditions of Jammers | |
14 | A Prototype UAV Control Station Interface for Automated Aerial Refueling | |
15 | A Shadow Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Improved Performance Research Integration Tool (IMPRINT) Model Supporting Future | |
16 | A Simple Control Law for UAV Formation Flying | |
17 | A Stepped Frequency CW SAR for Lightweight UAV Operation | |
18 | A Synthetic Teammate for UAV Applications: A Prospective Look | |
19 | A UAV-Friendly Strategy for Moving Targets Processing Using SAR | |
20 | A Unified Cooperative Control Architecture for UAV Missions | |
21 | AFIT UAV Swarm Mission Planning and Simulation System | |
22 | ANSER Technologies – UAV Applications | |
23 | Achieving an Optimal Medium Altitude UAV Force Balance in Support of COIN Operations | |
24 | Adaptive Levels of Autonomy (ALOA) for UAV Supervisory Control | |
25 | Advanced UAV Technologies and New Inventions for Revolutionary Weapon Systems Developed at TU Delft | |
26 | Advances in UAV Data Links: Analysis of Requirement Evolution and Implications on Future Equipment | |
27 | Agent-Based Simulation and Analysis of a Defensive UAV Swarm Against an Enemy UAV Swarm | |
28 | Air Force UAV’s: The Secret History | |
29 | Allocation of UAV Search Efforts Using Dynamic Programming and Bayesian Updating | |
30 | An Augmented Virtuality Display for Improving UAV Usability | |
31 | An Automated UAV Mission System | |
32 | Analysis of Nondeterministic Search Patterns for Minimization of UAV Counter-Targeting | |
33 | Analytical Models for Mobile Sensor (UAV) Coverage of a Region | |
34 | Anti-UAV Defense Requirements for Ground Forces and Hypervelocity Rocket Lethality Models | |
35 | Applications for Mini VTOL UAV for Law Enforcement | |
36 | Applications of Rapid Prototyping to the Design and Testing of UAV Flight Control Systems | |
37 | Architecting Human Operator Trust in Automation to Improve System Effectiveness in Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) | |
38 | Army Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Requirements and the Joint UAV Program | |
39 | Aspects of Use of CFD for UAV Configuration Design | |
40 | Assessing the Flight Quality of a Large UAV for Sensors/Ground Robots Aerial Delivery | |
41 | Assessing the Impact of Auditory Peripheral Displays for UAV Operators | |
42 | Assessing the Impact of Haptic Peripheral Displays for UAV Operators | |
43 | Assessment and Classification of Cognitive Decrements Associated with High Workload and Extended Work Periods in a UAV | |
44 | Automated Launch, Landing and Refueling Technologies for Increased UGV-UAV Effectiveness | |
45 | Automation Architecture for Single Operator, Multiple UAV Command and Control | |
46 | Automation Architecture for Single Operator-Multiple UAV Command and Control | |
47 | Autonomous Landing System for a UAV | |
48 | Autonomous Navigation & Collision Avoidance System For The Nearchos UAV | |
49 | Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Airspace Operations Sensing Requirements. Volume 1 – Performance | |
50 | B-HUNTER UAV. Program update, recent flight experience and progress in ATM Euro UVS UAV 2002 Conference | |
51 | Beyond the Classical Performance Limitations Controlling Uncertain MIMO Systems: UAV Applications | |
52 | Beyond the Classical Performance Limitations Controlling Uncertain MIMO Systems: UAV Applications. 1st Session | |
53 | Beyond the Classical Performance Limitations Controlling Uncertain MIMO Systems: UAV Applications. 2nd Session | |
54 | Business Case Analysis of Medium Altitude Global ISR Communications (MAGIC) UAV System | |
55 | CAUSE Multi-UAV Simulation Demonstration | |
56 | Canadian Aerial Targeting Program Canadian Army UAV Experience | |
57 | Characterization of UAV Performance and Development of a Formation Flight Controller for Multiple Small UAVS | |
58 | Characterization of a Rotary Flat Tail as a Spoiler and Parametric Analysis of Improving Directional Stability in a Portable | |
59 | Civil UAV Applications in Japan and Related Safety & Certification | |
60 | Closing the Gap Between Research and Field Applications for Multi-UAV Cooperative Missions | |
61 | Collaborative UAV Exploration of Hostile Environments | |
62 | Collection Tasking of the Corps Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short Range (UAV-SR) | |
63 | Comparing Organic vs. Assigned UAV Support to the Maneuver Company | |
64 | Comparing Organic vs. Handoff UAV Support to the Maneuver Company | |
65 | Complexity in UAV Cooperative Control | |
66 | Computational and Physical Aspects of UAV Vortical Flows | |
67 | Control Architecture Design and Demonstration for Cooperative UAV’s | |
68 | Controlling Sideslip Angle to Reduce the Radar Exposure of a Tactical, Rotary Winged UAV | |
69 | Cooperative Control for UAV’s Searching Risky Environments For Targets | |
70 | Cooperative Search by UAV Teams: A Model Predictive Approach Using Dynamic Graphs | |
71 | Coordination and Control for Multi-Quadrotor UAV Missions | |
72 | Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS) | |
73 | Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS)-Year 2 (extended) | |
74 | Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS)-Year 2 | |
75 | Crew Systems Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Future Job and Tasking Environments | |
76 | Curse-of-Dimensionality-Free Computing, Information-Savvy Controllers and UAV Operations | |
77 | Cycloidal Propulsion for UAV VTOL Applications | |
78 | DarkStar – High Altitude Endurance UAV. Presented at Unmanned Vehicles 97 Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France, | |
79 | Data & Image Fusion for Multisensor UAV Payload | |
80 | Decision Factors for Cooperative Multiple Warhead UAV Target Classification and Attack with Control Applications | |
81 | Deconvolution of Plant Type(s) for Homeland Security Enforcement Using Remote Sensing on a UAV Collection Platform | |
82 | Demonstration of Linked UAV Observations and Atmospheric Model Predictions in Chem/Bio Attack Response | |
83 | Derivation of River Bathymetry Using Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) | |
84 | Design and Construction of a Composite Airframe for UAV Research | |
85 | Design and Fabrication of an Ultra-Low-Cost Turboprop for RPV/UAV applications | |
86 | Design and Testing of a Combustor for a Turbo-Ramjet Engine for UAV and Missile Applications | |
87 | Design and Testing of a Morphing Wing for an Experimental UAV | |
88 | Determining a Cost-Effective Mix of UAV-USV-Manned Platforms to Achieve a Desired Level of Surveillance in a Congested | |
89 | Developing Human-Machine Interfaces to Support Monitoring of UAV Automation | |
90 | Development and Operation of UAVs for Military and Civil Applications (Developpement et utilisation des avions sans pilote | |
91 | Development and Testing of a Network-Centric, Multi-UAV Command and Control Scheme Using a Variable Autonomy Control | |
92 | Development and Testing of a VTOL UAV | |
93 | Development and Tests of an Automatic Decking System Demonstrator of VTOL UAV on Naval Platform | |
94 | Development and Validation of a Controlled Virtual Environment for Guidance, Navigation and Control of Quadrotor UAV | |
95 | Development and Verification of an Aerodynamic Model for the NPS Frog UAV Using the CMARC Panel Code Software Suite | |
96 | Development of Integrated 3D Terrain Maps for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight and Mission Control Support System | |
97 | Development of a 1/7-Scale F/A-18 UAV for Supermaneuverability Research | |
98 | Development of a 1/7th Scale Fighter UAV for Flight Research | |
99 | Development of a Dynamic Model for a UAV | |
100 | Development of a Human Performance Model of a UAV Sensor Operator: Lessons Learned | |
101 | Development of a Low-Latency, High Data Rate, Differential GPS Relative Positioning System for UAV Formation Flight | |
102 | Development of a Novel, Two-Processor Architecture for a Small UAV Autopilot System, | |
103 | Development of a Receiver Processor For UAV Video Signal Acquisition and Tracking Using Digital Phased Array Antenna | |
104 | Development of a Small Phased Array SAR-MTI System for Tactical UAV | |
105 | Development of a UAV Track Injection and Imagery Presentation System | |
106 | Development of an Experimental Platform for Testing Autonomous UAV Guidance and Control Algorithms | |
107 | Distributed Beamforming in a Swarm UAV Network | |
108 | DoD Joint Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Program Master Plan – 1988 | |
109 | Dragon Drone UAV System | |
110 | Dynamic System Identification and Modeling of a Rotary Wing UAV for Stability and Control Analysis | |
111 | Dynamic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Routing with a Java-Encoded Reactive Tabu Search Metaheuristic | |
112 | Ecological Interface Design For Complex Systems: An Example: SEAD UAV Systems | |
113 | Effective Task Assignment and Motion Planning for Complex UAV Operations | |
114 | Effects of UAV Supervisory Control on F-18 Formation Flight Performance in a Simulator Environment | |
115 | Electrically Driven General Systems for UAV’s | |
116 | Embedded Reconfigurable Processing for UAV Applications | |
117 | Energy Capture Module (ECM) for Use in Unmanned Mobile Vehicles (UMVs) With a Specific Study of the Draganflyer X6 UAV | |
118 | Enhancing Coordination and Collaboration in Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Crews | |
119 | Enhancing Readiness of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System via Use of Simulation Modeling and Contract Incentives | |
120 | Error Analysis of Sensor Measurements in a Small UAV | |
121 | Establishment of Models and Data Tracking for Small UAV Reliability | |
122 | Evaluation of Synthetic Vision Overlay Concepts for UAV Sensor Operations: Landmark Cues and Picture-in-Picture | |
123 | Evaluation of the CMARC Panel Code Software Suite for the Development of a UAV Aerodynamic Model | |
124 | Evolving Cooperative Control on Sparsely Distributed Tasks for UAV Teams Without Global Communication | |
125 | Evolving Self-Organized Behavior for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous UAV or UCAV Swarms | |
126 | Expansion of Countermine Lidar UAV-based System (CLUBS) | |
127 | Experiment and Field Demonstration of a 802.11-based Ground-UAV Mobile Ad-Hoc Network | |
128 | Exploitation of Self Organization in UAV Swarms for Optimization in Combat Environments | |
129 | Fuel Cell Power Systems for Extended Duration UAV and UGV Systems | |
130 | Falco UAV Low Reynolds Airfoil Design and Testing at Galileo Avionica | |
131 | Feasibility Study for an Autonomous UAV – Magnetometer System | |
132 | Feasibility of the Tactical UAV as a Combat Identification Tool | |
133 | Fighter Pilot Inventory and Requirements Model. A Ten Year Look with Impact of UAV increase | |
134 | Fleet Protection Using a Small UAV Based IR Sensor | |
135 | Flexible UAV Mission Management Using Emerging Technologies | |
136 | Flight Control Law Design and HIL Simulation of a UAV | |
137 | Force Protection via UGV-UAV Collaboration: Development of Control Law for Vision Based Target Tracking on SUAV | |
138 | French Interim MALE UAV Program | |
139 | French MALE UAV Program | |
140 | Frequency and Polarization Diversity Simulations for Urban UAV Communication and Data Links | |
141 | Fuel Cell Stack Testing and Durability in Support of Ion Tiger UAV | |
142 | Fuzzy Logic Based UAV Allocation and Coordination | |
143 | Generic UAV Modeling to Obtain Its Aerodynamic and Control Derivatives | |
144 | Geo-textile UAV Runway Construction Guide | |
145 | Get-in-the-Zone (GITZ) Transition Display Format for Changing Camera Views in Multi-UAV Operations | |
146 | Global Versus Reactive Navigation for Joint UAV-UGV Missions in a Cluttered Environment | |
147 | HERMES 180 UAV Development Program | |
148 | High Fidelity Methods and Physics for UAV Flow Regimes | |
149 | Human-Automation Collaborative RRT for UAV Mission Path Planning | |
150 | Human/System Interface (HSI) Issues from a USAF Pilot/Combat Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) Test Operator Perspective | |
151 | Image Processing for Tactical UAV | |
152 | Impact of Icing on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operations | |
153 | Impact of Prior Flight Experience on Learning Predator UAV Operator Skills | |
154 | Implementation of High Level Architecture into the MultiUAV Research Software | |
155 | Improvement of the Performance of a Turbo-Ramjet Engine for UAV and Missile Applications | |
156 | Improving UAV Handling Qualities Using Time Delay Compensation | |
157 | Incorporating Scene Mosaics as Visual Indexes Into UAV Video Imagery Databases | |
158 | Incorporation of a Differential Positioning System (DGPS) in the control of An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Precise | |
159 | Increased UAV Task Assignment Performance Through Parallelized Genetic Algorithms (Preprint) | |
160 | Infrared Data Link using a Multiple Quantum Well Modulating Retro-reflector on a Small Rotary-Wing UAV | |
161 | Innovative Development. Global Hawk and Darkstar. Volume 1: HAE UAV ACTD Program Description and Comparative Analysis | |
162 | Innovative Development. Global Hawk and Darkstar. Volume 2: Flight Test in the HAE UAV ACTD Program | |
163 | Innovative Development. Global Hawk and Darkstar. Volume 3: Transitions Within and Out of the HAE UAV ACTD Program | |
164 | Integrated Reconfigurable Aperture, Digital Beam Forming, and Software GPS Receiver for UAV Navigation | |
165 | Integration of Control Algorithms for Quadrotor UAV’s Using an Indoor Sensor Environment | |
166 | Integration of a Multi-Rate Position Filter in the Navigation System of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Precise | |
167 | Interceptor Concepts for the US UAV BPI Program, | |
168 | Joint Doctrine and UAV Employment | |
169 | Light UAV Support Ship (ASW) (LUSSA) | |
170 | Logistic Support For Common Used UAV’S. Example: Drone CL-289 | |
171 | Low-Cost Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) for Oceanographic Research | |
172 | Manpower Requirements Determination for New Systems: Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) | |
173 | Medusa’s Mirror: Stepping Forward to Look Back ”Future UAV Design Implications from the 21st Century Battlefield” | |
174 | Metrics, Schmetrics! How The Heck Do You Determine A UAV’s Autonomy Anyway | |
175 | Micro UAV Path Planning for Reconnaissance in Wind (Preprint) | |
176 | Micro-Air Vehicle (MAV) – Demonstrated Backpackable Autonomous VTOL UAV Providing Hover and Stare RSTA to the Small | |
177 | Military Officer Attitudes Toward UAV Adoption Exploring Institutional Impediments to Innovation | |
178 | Mini UAV’s: Can Active Flow Control Do It All? | |
179 | Model Design for a Battlegroup Intranet Using a UAV | |
180 | Modeling Piezoceramic Twist Actuation in Single-Cell Anisotropic Torque Box of Low-Observable UAV Wing | |
181 | Modelling Team Adversarial Actions in UAV Operations | |
182 | Multi-Beam Digital Antenna for Radar, Communications, and UAV Tracking Based on Off-the-Shelf Wireless Technologies | |
183 | Multi-Objective UAV Mission Planning Using Evolutionary Computation | |
184 | Multi-Objective and Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) of UAV Systems using Hierarchical Asynchronous Parallel | |
185 | Multi-Target Tracking for Swarm vs. Swarm UAV Systems | |
186 | Multi-UAV Collaborative Sensor Management for UAV Team Survivability | |
187 | Multi-UAV Supervisory Control Interface Technology (MUSCIT) | |
188 | Multifunctional Poro-Vascular Composites for UAV Performance Enhancement | |
189 | Multiple UAV Task Allocation for an Electronic Warfare Mission Comparing Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing | |
190 | NRL’s Finder UAV: A Counterproliferation Asset | |
191 | Naval UAV Programs: Sea Based UAV’s | |
192 | Network Payload Integration for the Scan-Eagle UAV | |
193 | OT&E Perspectives on Acquisition, Test, and Early Fielding of UAV Systems 1998-2008 | |
194 | Open & Evolutive UAV Architecture | |
195 | Open & Interoperable UAV System Architecture | |
196 | Operational Assimilation into UUV and UAV Observations | |
197 | Operational Requirements Document for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Tactical Control System (TCS) version 3.0 | |
198 | Optimal UAV Path Planning for Tracking a Moving Ground Vehicle with a Gimbaled Camera | |
199 | Optimal UAV Task Assignment and Scheduling (Preprint) | |
200 | Optimization of Heterogeneous UAV Communications Using the Multiobjective Quadratic Assignment Problem | |
201 | Optimum Cooperative UAV Sensing Based on Cramer-Rao Bound | |
202 | Output Feedback Tracking Control of an Underactuated Quad-Rotor UAV | |
203 | Past UAV Program Failures and Implications for Current UAV Programs | |
204 | Path Calculation and Packet Translation for UAV Surveillance in Support of Wireless Sensor Networks | |
205 | Path Elongation for UAV Task Assignment | |
206 | Path Generation Tactics for a UAV Following a Moving Target | |
207 | Perception-based Co-evolutionary Reinforcement Learning for UAV Sensor Allocation | |
208 | Performance and Flowfield Measurements on a 10-inch Ducted Rotor VTOL UAV | |
209 | Pilot Dependence on Imperfect Diagnostic Automation in Simulated UAV Flights: An Attentional Visual Scanning Analysis | |
210 | Piloting the USAF’s UAV Fleet Pilots, Non-Rated Officers, Enlisted, or Contractors | |
211 | Position-Adaptive UAV Radar for Urban Environments | |
212 | Predator B: The Multi-Role UAV | |
213 | Predictive Control for a Tail-Sitter UAV. Part 2 | |
214 | Preliminary Review of Psychophysiological Technologies to Support Multimodal UAV Interface Design | |
215 | Prestimulus Alpha as a Precursor to Errors in a UAV Target Orientation Detection Task | |
216 | Project Stork UAV/UGV Collaborative Initiative | |
217 | RAVEN-2: Around-The-World UAV Project | |
218 | Real-Time Wind Estimation and Display for Chem/Bio Attack Response using UAV Data | |
219 | Reconnaissance System UAV CL 289 Status and Programme Upgrade | |
220 | Report on UAV Technologies and Combat Operations. Volume 1. Summary | |
221 | Report on the AFOSR Workshop on UAV Testbeds and Simulations | |
222 | Requirements Driven UAV Development | |
223 | Research and Demonstration of Video Streaming on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Networks | |
224 | Results from Real Time Simulation Experiment of an Integrated Concept for UAV/Direct Fire Weapon Systems | |
225 | Review of UAV Procurement Activities in NATO | |
226 | Robots in the Sky-The Legal Effects and Impacts of UAV on the Operational Commander | |
227 | Roving UAV IED Interdiction System | |
228 | SMI UAV Conference, London, UK (9-10 Feb 2004) | |
229 | Ship-Based UAV Measurements of Air-Sea Interaction in Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes in the Equatorial | |
230 | Shipboard Organic UAV Operations | |
231 | Short Range Reconnaissance: The LUNA Experimental UAV Program | |
232 | Short Range Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for UAV/UAS Battery Charging – Phase 1 | |
233 | Sigma-Point Kalman Filter Based Sensor Integration Estimation and System Identification for Enhanced UAV Situational | |
234 | Simulation Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) | |
235 | Simulation Assessment of Synthetic Vision Concepts for UAV Operations | |
236 | Simulations of Diversity Techniques for Urban UAV Data Links | |
237 | Socio-Technical Systems Models of the Decision Chain in UAV Operations | |
238 | Sperwer After S/A TC. Military Aviation Requirements: An Approach to Address the New RNLA UAV Domain | |
239 | Structural Design Aspects and Criteria for Military UAV | |
240 | Supporting Flight Control for UAV-Assisted Wilderness Search and Rescue Through Human Centered Interface Design | |
241 | Swarm Intelligence for Autonomous UAV Control | |
242 | System Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Marine Environmental Sensing | |
243 | Tactical UAV’s in the French Army | |
244 | Targets, Ranges and UAVs: An Operational Test Perspective | |
245 | Testing Adaptive Levels of Automation (ALOA) for UAV Supervisory Control | |
246 | The Application of Cognitive Radio to Coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Missions | |
247 | The B-Hunter UAV System | |
248 | The Certification of Lighter-Than-Air UAV Systems | |
249 | The Certification of the SPERWER-RNLA UAV System | |
250 | The Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Annual Report FY 1996 | |
251 | The Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Annual Report FY 1997 | |
252 | The Development and Initial Validation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) External Pilot Selection System | |
253 | The Development and Operational Challenges of UAV and UCAV Airbreathing Propulsion | |
254 | The Effects of Commercial Video Game Playing: A Comparison of Skills and Abilities for the Predator UAV | |
255 | The Flight Control System of the Hovereye (Trademark) VTOL UAV | |
256 | The HAE UAV and Dynamic Retasking by Tactical Commanders | |
257 | The Need for a USAF UAV Center of Excellence | |
258 | The Quality of Quantity: Mini-UAVS As An Alternative UAV Acquisition Strategy at the Army Brigade Level | |
259 | The RMAX Helicopter UAV | |
260 | The Tactical Network Operations Communication Coordinator in Mobile UAV Networks | |
261 | The UAV Continuous Coverage Problem | |
262 | The UAV Strike Package: How Do They Team? | |
263 | The UAV and the Current and Future Regulatory Construction for Integration into the National Airspace System | |
264 | The UAV and the Operational Commander | |
265 | The UAV: A Strategic Asset in the Transformed Reserve Component | |
266 | The Use of Simulation to De-risk Maritime UAV Operations | |
267 | Tipjet VTOL UAV (Vertical Takeoff and Landing/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Summary. Volume 1. 1200-Pound Tipjet VTOL Unmanned | |
268 | Top-Down Mechanism Design Study for Multi-UAV Search and Surveillance | |
269 | Towards Designing High Aspect Ratio High Altitude Joined-Wing Sensorcraft (HALE-UAV) | |
270 | Tracking Cellular Phones with UAV’s | |
271 | UAV Aerial Refueling – Wind Tunnel Results and Comparison with Analytical Predictions | |
272 | UAV Aeroelastic Control Using Redundant Micro-Actuators | |
273 | UAV Aeroservoelastic Control Using Redundant Microactuators | |
274 | UAV Annual Report, FY 1996 | |
275 | UAV Annual Report, FY 1997 | |
276 | UAV Autonomy – Which Level is Desirable? – Which Level is Acceptable? Alenia Aeronautica Viewpoint | |
277 | UAV Communication Management and Coordination for Multitarget Tracking | |
278 | UAV Cooperative Multiple Task Assignments using Genetic Algorithms | |
279 | UAV Data-Links: Tasks, Types, Technologies and Examples | |
280 | UAV Deck Recovery Stability Analysis | |
281 | UAV Design Processes / Design Criteria for Structures RTA AVT Workshop. Technical Evaluation Report | |
282 | UAV Digital Tracking Array Design, Development and Testing | |
283 | UAV Employment in Kosovo: Lessons for the Operational Commander | |
284 | UAV Imagery Frame Rate and Resolution Requirements Study | |
285 | UAV Infrared Search and Track (IRST)/Eyesafe Laser Range Finder (ELR) System | |
286 | UAV Mission Analysis and Planning Support System | |
287 | UAV Mission Planning under Uncertainty | |
288 | UAV Mission Trainer | |
289 | UAV Mothership | |
290 | UAV Operations using Virtual Environments | |
291 | UAV Operations: From Autonomous Navigation to Multi Platform Cooperation Achievements in the ReSSAC Project at ONERA | |
292 | UAV Operator Human Performance Models | |
293 | UAV Requirements and Design Consideration | |
294 | UAV Safety Objectives and Weight Categories | |
295 | UAV Scheduling via the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (Preprint) | |
296 | UAV Swarm Attack: Protection System Alternatives for Destroyers | |
297 | UAV Swarm Mission Planning Development Using Evolutionary Algorithms – Part I | |
298 | UAV Swarm Mission Planning Development Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Parallel Simulation – Part II | |
299 | UAV Swarm Tactics: An Agent-Based Simulation and Markov Process Analysis | |
300 | UAV Swarming? So What are Those Swarms, What are the Implications, and How Do We Handle Them? | |
301 | UAV Systems in C4ISTAR | |
302 | UAV Task Assignment with Timing Constraints via Mixed-Integer Linear Programming | |
303 | UAV Task Assignment with Timing Constraints | |
304 | UAV Team Decision and Control Using Efficient Collaborative Estimation | |
305 | UAV to UAV Target Detection and Pose Estimation | |
306 | UAV-Related Capabilities of San Diego Area Companies. A Survey Conducted by the Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance | |
307 | USAFA Discovery: Jul-Sep 2000. Research Activity in Support of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) at the Aeronautics Research | |
308 | Unique Range Challenges of UAV Test and Evaluation Presentation To: 2008 Annual NDIA International Symposium | |
309 | Unique Stealth Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Houck Aircraft Design Program. Volume 1: Program Overview | |
310 | Unique Stealth Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Houck Aircraft Design Program. Volume 2: Prototype Report | |
311 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Swarming and Formation Flight Navigation VIA LIDAR/INS | |
312 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Unmanned Ground Vehicle Teaming: UAV Guided Navigation | |
313 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) A Supplement to Battlefield Packages | |
314 | Unmanned Air Vehicle/Remotely Piloted Vehicle Analysis for Lethal UAV/ RPV | |
315 | Urban Convoy Escort Utilizing a Swarm of UAV’s | |
316 | Use of Artificial Potential Fields for UAV Guidance and Optimization of WLAN Communications | |
317 | Use of Imageaided Navigation for UAV Navigation and Target Geolocation in Urban and GPSdenied Environments | |
318 | Using BML to Command and Control UAV Systems in a Coalition | |
319 | Using Interference Models to Predict Performance in a Multiple-Task UAV Environment – 2 UAVs | |
320 | Using Multiattribute Utility Copulas in Support of UAV Search and Destroy Operations | |
321 | Using Public Network Infrastructures for UAV Remote Sensing in Civilian Security Operations | |
322 | Validating the Performance of Networks Used to Model Decisions Involving the UAV | |
323 | Vehicle Tracking in UAV Video Using Multi-Spectral Spatiogram Models | |
324 | Vehicle Tracking in UAV-Captured Video Data Incorporating Adaptive Weighting of Features | |
325 | Verbal Protocol Analysis for Validation of UAV Operator Model | |
326 | Views on Mini UAVs & Mini UAV Competition | |
327 | Vision-Based Precision Landings of a Tailsitter UAV | |
328 | Vision-Based UAV Flight Control and Obstacle Avoidance | |
329 | When Plans Change: Task Analysis and Taxonomy of 3-D Situation Awareness Challenges of UAV Replanning | |
330 | Wind Noise Measurements of Microphones Embedded in the Airfoil of an UAV | |
331 | Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Static Stability and Control Effectiveness of a Rotary Tail in a Portable UAV | |
332 | X-HALE: A Very Flexible UAV for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Tests |