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Патент США № | 6486799 |
Автор(ы) | Still и др. |
Дата выдачи | 26 ноября 2002 г. |
A human centered informational display is disclosed that can be used with vehicles (e.g. aircraft) and in other operational environments where rapid human centered comprehension of an operational environment is required. The informational display integrates all cockpit information into a single display in such a way that the pilot can clearly understand with a glance, his or her spatial orientation, flight performance, engine status and power management issues, radio aids, and the location of other air traffic, runways, weather, and terrain features. With OZ the information is presented as an integrated whole, the pilot instantaneously recognizes flight path deviations, and is instinctively drawn to the corrective maneuvers. Our laboratory studies indicate that OZ transfers to the pilot all of the integrated display information in less than 200 milliseconds. The reacquisition of scan can be accomplished just as quickly. Thus, the time constants for forming a mental model are near instantaneous. The pilot's ability to keep up with rapidly changing and threatening environments is tremendously enhanced. OZ is most easily compatible with aircraft that has flight path information coded electronically. With the correct sensors (which are currently available) OZ can be installed in essentially all current aircraft
Авторы: | David L. Still (Pensacola, FL), Leonard A. Temme (Pensacola, FL) |
Заявитель: | The University of West Florida (Pensacola, FL) The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy (Washington, DC) |
ID семейства патентов | 22507609 |
Номер заявки: | 09/619,206 |
Дата регистрации: | 19 июля 2000 г. |
Класс патентной классификации США: | 340/974; 340/961; 340/971; 340/975; 340/978; 340/980; 701/14; 701/9 |
Класс совместной патентной классификации: | G01C 23/005 (20130101) |
Класс международной патентной классификации (МПК): | G01C 23/00 (20060101); G01C 021/00 () |
Область поиска: | ;340/971,973,974,975,980,946,961 ;73/178H ;701/9,14,3 |
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