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Pat. 10931104 United States, Int. Cl.22 H02J 3/06, H02J 1/10, H02J 7/35, H02M 3/00, H02M 5/02, H02M 7/42, G05F 1/67, H02J 3/38. System and method for interconnected elements of a power system : Appl. N 15/980837 : Filed 16.05.2018 : Pub. 23.02.2021 : / Yoav Galin, Ilan Yoscovich, Guy Sella, Yakir Loewenstern, Tzachi Glovinsky ; Assignee Solaredge Technologies Ltd ; NN p. : patents.google.com : URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/US10931104/en?oq=US10931104.html (дата обращения: ДД.ММ.ГГГГ).