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Pat. 11258262 United States, Int. Cl.22 H02J 3/38, G01R 19/165, H02M 1/00, H02M 1/32, H02M 7/04, H02M 7/44. Method for the voltage-impressing feed of electrical power into an electrical supply grid by means of a wind power installation : Appl. N 17/066078 : Filed 08.10.2020 : Pub. 22.02.2022 : / Johannes Brombach, Eckard Quitmann, Hanna Emanuel ; Assignee Wobben Properties Gmbh ; NN p. : patents.google.com : URL: https://patents.google.com/patent/US11258262/en?oq=US11258262.html (дата обращения: ДД.ММ.ГГГГ).