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Патент США № | 9978013 |
Автор(ы) | Kaufhold |
Дата выдачи | 22 мая 2018 г. |
The present invention is directed to systems and methods for detecting objects in a radar image stream. Embodiments of the invention can receive a data stream from radar sensors and use a deep neural network to convert the received data stream into a set of semantic labels, where each semantic label corresponds to an object in the radar data stream that the deep neural network has identified. Processing units running the deep neural network may be collocated onboard an airborne vehicle along with the radar sensor(s). The processing units can be configured with powerful, high-speed graphics processing units or field-programmable gate arrays that are low in size, weight, and power requirements. Embodiments of the invention are also directed to providing innovative advances to object recognition training systems that utilize a detector and an object recognition cascade to analyze radar image streams in real time. The object recognition cascade can comprise at least one recognizer that receives a non-background stream of image patches from a detector and automatically assigns one or more semantic labels to each non-background image patch. In some embodiments, a separate recognizer for the background analysis of patches may also be incorporated. There may be multiple detectors and multiple recognizers, depending on the design of the cascade. Embodiments of the invention also include novel methods to tailor deep neural network algorithms to successfully process radar imagery, utilizing techniques such as normalization, sampling, data augmentation, foveation, cascade architectures, and label harmonization.
Авторы: | John Patrick Kaufhold (Arlington, VA) | ||||||||||
Патентообладатель: |
Заявитель: | Deep Learning Analytics, LLC (Arlingon, VA) |
ID семейства патентов | 55074839 | ||||||||||
Номер заявки: | 14/794,376 | ||||||||||
Дата регистрации: | 08 июля 2015 г. |
Document Identifier | Publication Date | |
US 20160019458 A1 | Jan 21, 2016 | |
Application Number | Filing Date | Patent Number | Issue Date | ||
62025075 | Jul 16, 2014 | ||||
Класс патентной классификации США: | 1/1 |
Класс совместной патентной классификации: | G01S 7/417 (20130101); G06N 3/0454 (20130101); G01S 13/90 (20130101); G01S 13/904 (20190501) |
Класс международной патентной классификации (МПК): | G01S 13/90 (20060101); G01S 7/41 (20060101); G06N 3/04 (20060101) |
Область поиска: | ;342/25F |
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2013/0343641 | December 2013 | Mnih |
2014/0293091 | October 2014 | Rhoads |
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