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Патент США № | 9977123 |
Автор(ы) | Chen и др. |
Дата выдачи | 22 мая 2018 г. |
A system and method for projecting target tracks produced by a remote tracker onto a surface of the Earth to obtain projected tracks is provided. Projection bias in a projected track from the remote tracker projected onto a planar map is removed by computing a discrete Frechet distance from a polygonal curve associated with a track derived from the remote tracker to a corresponding polygonal curve on the planar map. A correspondence between the projected track and a track on the planar map is automatically established. A projection bias is removed based on the correspondence.
Авторы: | Lingji Chen (Acton, MA), Balasubramaniam Ravichandran (Winchester, MA) | ||||||||||
Патентообладатель: |
Заявитель: | BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc. (Nashua, NH) |
ID семейства патентов | 54555898 | ||||||||||
Номер заявки: | 14/699,645 | ||||||||||
Дата регистрации: | 29 апреля 2015 г. |
Document Identifier | Publication Date | |
US 20150338515 A1 | Nov 26, 2015 | |
Application Number | Filing Date | Patent Number | Issue Date | ||
62000839 | May 20, 2014 | ||||
Класс патентной классификации США: | 1/1 |
Класс совместной патентной классификации: | G01S 13/867 (20130101); G01S 7/04 (20130101); G01S 13/723 (20130101) |
Класс международной патентной классификации (МПК): | G01S 13/86 (20060101); G01S 7/04 (20060101); G01S 13/72 (20060101) |
Область поиска: | ;342/52,176-178 |
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2016/0291149 | October 2016 | Zeng |
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