Осенняя заготовка Scopusты ( Перечень российских журналов в БД Scopus )

Осенняя заготовка Scopusты

Безальтернативщина, которая установится в Государственной Думе на ближайшие пять лет стабильного застоя, не распространяется пока ещё на науку.

Поэтому, чтобы “разбавить” своё минорное настроение от “пира победителей” с выданным им карт-бланшем на что угодно, а также смягчить идиосинкразию от радостной теле-ухмылки г-на Медведева в предвкушении дальнейшего “руководства” одной седьмой частью суши с обитателями, предлагаю господам аспирантам перечень российских журналов (трудов конференций) в БД Scopus от 19 сентября 2016 г. Диссер-то всё равно писать надо. “Белые пришли – грабют, красные пришли – грабют. Ну, куда крестьянину податься?

Желающих ознакомиться с полным списком этих журналов, включая кучу параметров, например, рейтинг Scopus, H-индекс, цитируемость и прочее, прошу глянуть на xls-файл по ссылке. А я, как и многие из тех, “чей голос не услышали”, побежал за “лекарством” к “Братьям Кацоевым”, дабы унять “грусть-печаль” от вчерашнего “триумфа” чиновников.

№ п/п Название ISSN
1 19th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture Mechanics for Durability, Reliability and Safety, ECF 2012
2 19th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2012 – Proceedings
3 20th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2013 – Proceedings
4 21st Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2014 – Proceedings
5 Acarina ISSN 01328077, 22215115
6 Acoustical Physics ISSN 15626865, 10637710
7 Acta Naturae ISSN 20758251
8 Advances in Gerontology ISSN 20790570
9 Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Gerontologicheskoe obshchestvo ISSN 15619125
10 Anesteziologiya i Reanimatologiya ISSN 02017563
11 Angiologiia i sosudistaia khirurgiia = Angiology and vascular surgery ISSN 10276661
12 Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiya ISSN 02352990
13 Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology ISSN 00036838, 16083024
14 Applied Physics ISSN 19960948
15 Arkhiv Patologii ISSN 00041955
16 Arthropoda Selecta ISSN 0136006X
17 Astronomy Letters ISSN 15626873, 10637737
18 Astronomy Reports ISSN 10637729, 15626881
19 Automation and Remote Control ISSN 00051179, 16083032
20 Aviakosmicheskaia i ekologicheskaia meditsina = Aerospace and environmental medicine ISSN 0233528X
21 Biochemistry, Supplemental Series A ISSN 19907478
22 Biochemistry, Supplemental Series B ISSN 19907508, 19907516
23 Biochemistry. Biokhimiia ISSN 00062979, 16083040
24 Biofizika ISSN 00063029
25 Biologicheskie Membrany ISSN 02334755
26 Biology Bulletin ISSN 10623590, 16083059
27 Biomedical Engineering (New York) (English translation of Meditsinskaya Tekhnika) ISSN 00258075
28 Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya ISSN 23106905, 00428809
29 Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya ISSN 01323423
30 Biophysics ISSN 00063509
31 Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics ISSN 10628738
32 Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software ISSN 23080256, 20710216
33 Bylye Gody ISSN 20739745
34 Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention (Russian Federation) ISSN 17288800
35 Catalysis in Industry ISSN 20700504, 20700555
36 Cell and Tissue Biology ISSN 1990519X, 19905203
37 Colloid Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Kolloidnyi Zhurnal ISSN 1061933X, 16083067
38 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics ISSN 09655425
39 Computer Optics ISSN 01342452
40 Contemporary Problems of Ecology ISSN 19954263, 19954255
41 Cosmic Research (English translation of Kosimicheskie Issledovaniya) ISSN 00109525, 16083075
42 Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law ISSN 19967756
43 Crystallography Reports ISSN 10637745, 1562689X
44 Diabetes Mellitus ISSN 20720351, 20720378
45 Differential Equations ISSN 16083083, 00122661
46 Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics ISSN 16076729, 16083091
47 Doklady Biological Sciences ISSN 16083105, 00124966
48 Doklady Chemistry ISSN 00125008, 16083113
49 Doklady Earth Sciences ISSN 1028334X
50 Doklady Mathematics ISSN 10645624
51 Doklady Physical Chemistry ISSN 16083121, 00125016
52 Doklady Physics ISSN 15626903, 10283358
53 Earth’s Cryosphere ISSN 15607496
54 Economy of Region ISSN 20726414
55 Eksperimental’naia i klinicheskaia gastroenterologiia = Experimental & clinical gastroenterology ISSN 16828658
56 Eksperimental’naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya ISSN 08692092
57 Entomoglogical Review ISSN 00138738
58 Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie ISSN 08695415, 00385050
59 Eurasian Mining ISSN 20720823
60 Eurasian Soil Science ISSN 10642293
61 Fiziologiia cheloveka ISSN 01311646
62 Fluid Dynamics ISSN 00154628, 15738507
63 Foresight Russia ISSN 1995459X
64 Fundamental and Applied Mathematics ISSN 15605159
65 Gematologiya i Transfuziologiya ISSN 02345730
66 Genes and Cells ISSN 23131829
67 Genetika ISSN 00166758
68 Geochemistry Insternational ISSN 00167029
69 Geology of Ore Deposits ISSN 10757015
70 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy ISSN 00167932
71 Geomorfologiya ISSN 04354281
72 Georgian medical news. ISSN 15120112
73 Geotectonics (English Translation of Geotektonika) ISSN 00168521
74 Gigiena i sanitariia ISSN 00169900
75 Glass Physics and Chemistry ISSN 10876596, 1608313X
76 Gornyi Zhurnal ISSN 00172278
77 Gravitation and Cosmology ISSN 02022893
78 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences ISSN 10193316
79 High Energy Chemistry ISSN 16083148, 00181439
80 High Temperature ISSN 16083156, 0018151X
81 Human Ecology ISSN 17280869
82 Human Physiology ISSN 16083164, 03621197
83 Inland Water Biology ISSN 19950829, 19950837
84 Inorganic Materials ISSN 16083172, 00201685
85 Instruments and Experimental Techniques ISSN 16083180, 00204412
86 International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014, part of PulPaper 2014 Conference
87 Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk ISSN 10263470
88 Izvestiya – Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ISSN 00014338
89 Izvestiya – Physics of the Solid Earth ISSN 10693513
90 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil’noi Promyshlennosti ISSN 00213497
91 JETP Letters ISSN 00213640, 10906487
92 Journal of Analytical Chemistry ISSN 10619348, 16083199
93 Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics ISSN 19904797, 19904789
94 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics ISSN 00218944, 15738620
95 Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics ISSN 10642269
96 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International ISSN 10642307
97 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics ISSN 19905432, 18102328
98 Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology ISSN 00220930, 16083202
99 Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics ISSN 10637761, 10906509
100 Journal of Ichthyology ISSN 00329452
101 Journal of Russian Laser Research ISSN 10712836
102 Journal of Siberian Federal University – Mathematics and Physics ISSN 19971397
103 Journal of Structural Chemistry ISSN 00224766, 15738779
104 Journal of Volcanology and Seismology ISSN 07420463, 18197108
105 Kardiologiya ISSN 00229040
106 Khirurgiya ISSN 00231207
107 Kinetics and Catalysis ISSN 00231584, 16083210
108 Klinichescheskaya Laboratornaya Diagnostika ISSN 08692084
109 Klinicheskaya Meditsina ISSN 00232149
110 Komp’juternaja Lingvistika i Intellektual’nye Tehnologii ISSN 20757182, 22217932
111 Laser Physics ISSN 1054660X
112 Light and Engineering ISSN 02362945
113 Lithology and Mineral Resources ISSN 00244902, 16083229
114 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics ISSN 19950802
115 Macroheterocycles ISSN 19989539
116 Magnetic Resonance in Solids ISSN 20725981
117 Markov Processes and Related Fields ISSN 10242953
118 Materials Physics and Mechanics ISSN 16052730
119 Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics ISSN 19946538
120 Medical News of North Caucasus ISSN 20738137
121 Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia ISSN 10269428
122 Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni ISSN 00258326
123 Mendeleev Communications ISSN 09599436, 1364551X
124 Microbiology ISSN 00262617
125 Mikologiya I Fitopatologiya ISSN 00263648
126 Mikrobiologiia ISSN 00263656, 16083237
127 Molecular Biology ISSN 00268933, 16083245
128 Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia ISSN 02080613
129 Molekulyarnaya Biologiya ISSN 00268984
130 Morfologiia (Saint Petersburg, Russia) ISSN 10263543
131 Moscow Mathematical Journal ISSN 16093321, 16094514
132 Nanotechnologies in Russia ISSN 19950780, 19950799
133 Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry ISSN 00282448
134 Neurochemical Journal ISSN 18197132, 18197124
135 Non-ferrous Metals ISSN 20720807
136 Novyj Istoriceskij Vestnik ISSN 20729286
137 Numerical Analysis and Applications ISSN 19954239, 19954247
138 Obogashchenie Rud ISSN 02023776
139 Oceanology ISSN 00014370
140 Ontogenez ISSN 04751450
141 Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) ISSN 0030400X, 15626911
142 Paleontological Journal ISSN 00310301
143 Parazitologiia ISSN 00311847
144 Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimentalnaya Terapiya ISSN 00312991
145 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis ISSN 10546618
146 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Immunopathology ISSN 17261708
147 Petroleum Chemistry ISSN 09655441
148 Petrology ISSN 08695911
149 Physics of Atomic Nuclei ISSN 10637788, 1562692X
150 Physics of Metals and Metallography ISSN 0031918X
151 Physics of Particles and Nuclei ISSN 10637796
152 Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters ISSN 15318567, 15474771
153 Physics of the Solid State ISSN 10906460, 10637834
154 Physics Uspekhi ISSN 14684780, 10637869
155 Plasma Physics Reports ISSN 1063780X
156 PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin ISSN 22261869, 22249893
157 Polymer Science – Series A ISSN 0965545X
158 Polymer Science – Series B ISSN 15600904
159 Polymer Science – Series C ISSN 18112382
160 Polymer Science – Series D ISSN 19954212, 19954220
161 Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya ISSN 05551099
162 Problems of Information Transmission ISSN 00329460, 16083253
163 Problemy Sotsialnoi Gigieny I Istoriia Meditsiny NII Sotsialnoi Gigieny Ekonomiki I Upravleniia Zdravookhraneniem Im N A Semashko RAMN AO Assotsiatsiia Meditsinskaia Literatura ISSN 0869866X
164 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE North West Russia Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference, ElConRusNW 2014
165 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics ISSN 00815438
166 Programming and Computer Software ISSN 03617688, 16083261
167 Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal ISSN 02059592
168 Psychology in Russia: State of the Art ISSN 20746857
169 Psychopharmacology and Biological Narcology ISSN 20705670, 16068181
170 Radiatsionnaya Biologiya Radioekologiya ISSN 08698031
171 Radiochemistry ISSN 10663622
172 Regional Research of Russia ISSN 20799705, 20799713
173 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics ISSN 14684845, 15603547
174 Reviews on Advanced Materials Science ISSN 16065131, 16058127
175 Revolutionary Russia ISSN 09546545, 17437873
176 Rossiiskaia Istoria ISSN 08695687
177 Rossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk ISSN 08698139
178 RuPAC 2012 Contributions to the Proceedings – 23rd Russian Particle Accelerator Conference
179 Russian Aeronautics ISSN 10687998
180 Russian Chemical Bulletin ISSN 15739171, 10665285
181 Russian Chemical Reviews ISSN 14684837, 0036021X
182 Russian Education and Society ISSN 10609393
183 Russian Electrical Engineering ISSN 10683712
184 Russian Engineering Research ISSN 1068798X
185 Russian Geology and Geophysics ISSN 10687971
186 Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry ISSN 10704272, 16083296
187 Russian Journal of Biological Invasions ISSN 20751117, 20751125
188 Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry ISSN 10681620
189 Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals ISSN 20738099
190 Russian Journal of Cardiology ISSN 15604071
191 Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry / Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya ISSN 10703284
192 Russian Journal of Developmental Biology ISSN 10623604
193 Russian Journal of Ecology ISSN 10674136, 16083334
194 Russian Journal of Electrochemistry ISSN 16083342, 10231935
195 Russian Journal of General Chemistry ISSN 16083350, 10703632
196 Russian Journal of Genetics ISSN 10227954, 16083369
197 Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research ISSN 20790600, 20790597
198 Russian Journal of Herpetology ISSN 10262296
199 Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ISSN 00360236
200 Russian Journal of Marine Biology ISSN 10630740, 16083377
201 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics ISSN 10619208
202 Russian Journal of Nematology ISSN 08696918
203 Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN 16083385, 10618309
204 Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals ISSN 10678212, 1934970X
205 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling ISSN 09276467
206 Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry ISSN 10704280, 16083393
207 Russian Journal of Pacific Geology ISSN 18197159, 18197140
208 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry ISSN 00360244
209 Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B ISSN 19907931
210 Russian Journal of Plant Physiology ISSN 10214437, 16083407
211 Russian Journal of Theriology ISSN 16823559
212 Russian Linguistics ISSN 03043487
213 Russian Literature ISSN 03043479
214 Russian Mathematical Surveys ISSN 00360279, 14684829
215 Russian Mathematics ISSN 1066369X
216 Russian Metallurgy (Metally) ISSN 00360295
217 Russian Meteorology and Hydrology ISSN 10683739
218 Russian Microelectronics ISSN 10637397, 16083415
219 Russian Physics Journal ISSN 10648887
220 Russian Review ISSN 00360341
221 Russian Studies in Literature ISSN 19447167, 10611975
222 Russian Studies in Philosophy ISSN 15580431, 10611967
223 Russkaia Literatura ISSN 01316095
224 Saint Petersburg Russia – From Fundamental Science to Deployment: 17th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, IOR
225 Schole ISSN 19954336, 19954328
226 Scientific Visualization ISSN 20793537
227 Scrinium ISSN 18177530, 18177565
228 Semiconductors ISSN 10906479, 10637826
229 Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports ISSN 18133304
230 Social Evolution and History ISSN 16814363
231 Social Sciences ISSN 01345486
232 Society of Petroleum Engineers – SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technical Conference and Exhibition 2012
233 Society of Petroleum Engineers – SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technical Conference and Exhibition 2014, RO and G 2014 – Sustaining and Optimising Production: Challenging the Limits with Technology
234 Solar System Research ISSN 00380946, 16083423
235 Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia ISSN 01321625
236 Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine ISSN 20764243
237 Stomatologiya ISSN 00391735
238 Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation ISSN 08695938
239 Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana ISSN 1995848X
240 Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema ISSN 17503140, 17503132
241 Studies on Russian Economic Development ISSN 10757007
242 Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertisa ISSN 00394521
243 Surface Investigation X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques ISSN 10274510
244 Technical Physics ISSN 10637842, 10906525
245 Technical Physics Letters ISSN 10906533, 10637850
246 Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury ISSN 00403601
247 Terapevticheskii Arkhiv ISSN 00403660
248 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics ISSN 00405779, 15739333
249 Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering ISSN 16083431, 00405795
250 Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika) ISSN 00406015
251 Thermophysics and Aeromechanics ISSN 08698643
252 Tsitologiya ISSN 00413771
253 Tsvetnye Metally ISSN 03722929
254 Ufa Mathematical Journal ISSN 23040122
255 Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999) ISSN 17282985
256 Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk ISSN 03011798
257 Vestnik Khirurgii Imeni I.I.Grekova ISSN 00424625
258 Vestnik Moskovskogo Unviersiteta, Seriya Geografiya ISSN 05799414
259 Vestnik Oftalmologii ISSN 0042465X
260 Vestnik Oto-Rino-Laringologii ISSN 00424668
261 Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii ISSN 00424676
262 Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk ISSN 08696047
263 Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal ISSN 00269050
264 Voprosy Jazykoznanija ISSN 0373658X
265 Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki ISSN 18123228
266 Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury ISSN 00428787
267 Voprosy Onkologii ISSN 05073758
268 Voprosy Pitaniia ISSN 00428833
269 Voprosy Prakticheskoi Pediatrii ISSN 18177646
270 Voprosy Psikhologii ISSN 00428841
271 Voprosy Virusologii ISSN 05074088
272 Water and Ecology ISSN 23053488
273 Water Resources ISSN 00978078, 1608344X
274 Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii ISSN 00444529
275 Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii ISSN 03729311
276 Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova ISSN 19977298
277 Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii ISSN 00444596
278 Zhurnal Voprosy Neirokhirurgii Imeni N.N. Burdenko ISSN 00428817
279 Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova ISSN 00444677
280 Zoologicheskii Zhurnal ISSN 00445134
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