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JNLWD Team Visits Iraq

(О визите представителей Объединенного директората нелетальных вооружений в Ирак)

December 2006


The Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate sent a team to Iraq between 28 May and 8 July 2006 to document non-lethal weapons lessons learned to support the Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned. The team focused on collecting information regarding pre-deployment training, equipment, and operational lessons learned from currently deployed units.

JNLWD Team Visits Iraq  JNLWD Team Visits Iraq

Long Range Acoustic Device in use in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Official DoD Photos)

The team contacted twenty-nine units involved in tactical control points, vehicle checkpoints, entry control points, military police operations, enemy detainee operations, mobile assault patrols, dismounted patrols, and forced entries. The team conducted more than 60 interviews at 15 forward operating bases and battle points. The interviewees ranged from turret gunners to commanding officers of battalions and brigades. In all more than 300 surveys were collected.

The information gathered during the trip indicated that hailing devices, such as the Long Range Acoustic Device, have proved very effective at entry control points, vehicle checkpoints, and on guard towers. An increase in non-lethal weapons training will help improve their employment and emergence as an option in the force continuum. Education and awareness efforts such as the on-line non-lethal course hosted by Penn State University (http://www.fayette.psu.edu/CE/23514.htm) will allow warfighters to familiarize themselves with non-lethal weapons in support of today’s peacekeeping, humanitarian, and military missions.

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