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New Sonic Blaster Ready to Scream

(Новый звуковой бластер готов "взреветь")

Sharon Weinberger



A company claiming a revolutionary acoustic weapon called the Low Dispersion Acoustic Projector, or LDAP. Sound familiar? It should, it sounds and looks a heck of a lot like American Technology Corp.'s Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD.

New Sonic Blaster Ready to Scream

Система LDAP ("Акустический излучатель с низкой дисперсией")

Whether this is a knock off or a fundamentally different approach to the same sort of technology is unclear. The company, called Wattre Corp., says its "HyperSpike" technology "is able to deliver high Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) and pinpoint beamwidth over distances never before possible." The resulting sound is so intense that it wards off anyone approaching it. “Your cranium hears it,” the president told one newspaper.

"The blast won’t sound like a baby crying or a scraped chalkboard," the paper added. "But it will make a person feel the hyper-discomfort that comes with those noises."

The company is hoping to use its LDAP technology along the U.S.-Mexico border.

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